Dresden Minor Hockey 50/50 Cash Raffle Fundraiser

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total pot *

winner takes $315

Sales End

Wed May 07 2025

Ticket Prices

30 for $100

10 for $50

3 for $20

1 for $10

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Fri Feb 21 2025

Sales End

Wed May 07 2025

Draw Date

Wed May 07 2025

Draw Location

Lambton Kent Composite School Dresden

Supplemental Details re: Justification for Gaming Application

To Whom it May Concern,

It is with great interest, and support, of the Dresden Minor Hockey Executive that we apply for permission to operate an online 50/50 raffle draw to help offset rapidly rising costs of operating youth sport and activity programming. It is no secret that the costs of facility usage, registration, insurance, recruitment, travel and hospitality have all increased dramatically in the past several years. It is the hope of the Dresden Minor Hockey Executive that any money raised will assist in offsetting registration costs in an effort to maintain youth participation levels. This funding is also particularly necessary at this moment in time considering the decision by the heads of Ontario Hockey to eliminate the ability for minor hockey associations to charge gate entry fees to their respective sporting events. This one decision has caused the Dresden Minor Hockey Association to operate a budget with $35000 less per year. The money obtained through the online 50/50 raffle will go a long way in allowing the association to avoid transferring these costs directly to the parents and players. Following the first two online 50/50 draws that the DMHA has executed in May of 2023 and 2024, the executive has used the funds to develop a pre-season kids camp eligible for all DMHA registrants.

Jamie Beatty

Vice President

Dresden Minor Hockey Association

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