Chartwell Lunar New Year

total pot *
winner takes $202
Sales Ended
Sat Feb 01 2025
Sat Jan 18 2025
Sales End
Sat Feb 01 2025
Draw Date
Sat Feb 01 2025
Draw Location
FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods基金會於2025年1月18日至2月1日 舉行新春50/50籌款活動!
本次抽獎活動所籌集的善款將用於支持基金會的合作夥伴——加拿大社區食物中心(Community Food Centres Canada,簡稱CFCC)。CFCC是一個全國性機構,致力於發揮食物的力量,從而促進國民健康、建立歸屬感,以及彰顯社會公義。CFCC在全國各地推行多項計劃,通過一起種植、烹飪和分享美食來凝聚社區,並倡導對優質食品的重視。
得獎者將於2025年 2月1日 接獲通知。
FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods基金會
50/50抽獎 – 活動規則
2025 年 1 月
1. 所有彩券僅限年滿18歲或以上的安大略省居民購買。
2. 彩券將通過Rafflebox Technologies Inc.提供的電子彩票系統,於網上銷售。
3. 抽獎活動將在安大略省於以下日期舉行:
• 2025年1月18日(上午6:00開始)至2月1日(下午3:59結束)(東岸時間)
• 得獎者將於2025年2月1日(星期六)下午4:00(東岸時間) 抽出
4. 彩券售價如下:1張$5、3 張$10、10張$20、50張$50、200張$100。
5. 購買彩券後,買方將收到賣方經隨機選號系統(Random Selection System)提供的附有50/50註冊號碼的收據。這些號碼乃隨機產生,因此無法挑選特定號碼。
6. 中獎彩券號碼將由隨機號碼生成(Random Number Generation,簡稱RNG)系統從已售出的彩券號碼中選出。
7. 本次抽獎僅設一個獎項:
• 大獎(Main Prize):可獲50/50抽獎彩券銷售所得款項的 50%,其最終金額將根據彩券銷售數量和金額而定。
8. 抽獎將於2369-2375 & 2331 Brimley Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1S 3L6舉行。FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods基金會(即「贊助方」)將會公布中獎號碼,並即時在本次抽獎的網頁、FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods基金會網站及其Instagram(@fcrneighbourhoods)顯示。
9. 中獎者將在現場公布,並獲得電話及電郵通知。此外,中獎者的姓名也會從抽獎日起,在FCR Thriving Neighbourhood基金會網站刊登6個月。
10. 大獎得主將收到一張支票,金額以其購買彩券的抽獎網站所公佈的數額為準。中獎者必須持有中獎彩券正本,恕不接受複印本。所有獎金均以支票形式支付。
11. 中獎彩券持有人須於抽獎日起計的 6 個月內領取獎項。獎項不得轉讓或轉授,且必須按照原定方式領取。
12. 若因天氣情況、活動取消或其他超出贊助方合理可控範圍的因素,而導致無法提供大獎,贊助方概不負責。在此情況下,大獎得主將不會獲得替代獎項或現金補償。
13. 大獎中獎者經核實身份並提供附有照片的身份證明後,將可獲頒支票;金額與公布的獎金相同,且至少為本次抽獎的彩券總銷售額的50%。若大獎中獎者無法提供身份證明,獎金將被保留,直至能提供有關證明為止。該支票將從FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods基金會的指定信託賬戶中開出,並支付予中獎者。
14. 若無人領取獎金,中獎號碼將在安全地點存檔六個月。在此期限屆滿後,未領取的獎金將在安大略省酒類和博彩委員會(Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario,簡稱AGCO)的批准下,捐贈予加拿大社區食物中心(CFCC)。
15. 以下人士不合資格參與50/50抽獎:
• 非安大略省居民
• 18 歲以下人士
16. 以上規則將於抽獎網站上公布。
17. 如需協助,請致電1-888-230-3505聯絡安大略省問題賭博求助熱線(Ontario Problem Gaming Helpline)或瀏覽。
The FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods Foundation is excited to announce our Lunar New Year 50/50 fundraiser, running from January 18th to February 1st, 2025!
You can support the Foundation and our fundraising efforts by purchasing tickets for our 50/50 Raffle, running for the week leading up to the Lunar New Year celebration at ceremony, where the winner will be announced on February 1st at 4:00pm EST.
Funds raised by this raffle will support the Foundation’s signature partner, Community Food Centres Canada (CFCC). CFCC is a national organization that builds health, belonging and social justice through the power of food. With their programming across the country, they bring people together to grow, cook, share, and advocate for good food.
The winner will be contacted on February 1st, 2025.
Thank you for your support!
FCR Thriving Neighourhoods Foundation
50/50 Draw – Rules of Play
January 2025
1. All tickets will be sold only to people who are 18 years of age or older, and located in the province of Ontario.
2. Tickets will be sold online using the electronic lottery system supplied by Rafflebox Technologies Inc.
3. The lottery dates below will occur in the Province of Ontario.
- January 18th (starting at 6:00am)- February 1st (ending at 3:59pm) EST
- The winner will be drawn at 4:00pm EST on Saturday, February 1st, 2025
4. Tickets are 1 for $5, 3 for $10, 10 for $20; 50 for $50, 200 for $100.
5. After buying, patrons will be provided by the sellers, a receipt with their 50/50 registered numbers from a Random Selection System. No specific numbers can be given as numbers are generated randomly.
6. The winning ticket number will be selected by a Random Number Generation (RNG) system from lottery numbers sold for the draw.
7. The lottery has one prizes:
- Main Prize: 50/50 proceeds – 50% of raffle ticket sales. The amount/value of the 50/50 will be determined based on the number and value of tickets purchased.
8. The draw will be done at 2369-2375 & 2331 Brimley Road Toronto, Ontario, M1S 3L6. The FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods Foundation ‘Sponsor’ will share the winning number. It will be updated in real time on the lottery landing page and on the FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods Foundation website, and FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods Foundation Instagram (@fcrneighbourhoods).
9. The winner will be announced on site, and contacted by phone and email. As well, the winner’s name will be published on the FCR Thriving Neighbourhood Foundation’s website for a period of 6 months from the date of the draw.
10. Main prize Winner will be paid by cheque for the amount posted on the lottery website for which they bought their ticket. Winners must have the original winning ticket and no copies. All payments will be made by cheque.
11. Winning ticket holders have six months to claim their prize from the date of the draw. Prize(s) are non-transferable or assignable and must be accepted as awarded.
The Sponsor will not be responsible, however, if weather conditions, event cancellations, or any thereof or other factors beyond the Sponsor’s reasonable control prevent the Secondary Prize from being fulfilled. In any such event, the Secondary Prize Winner will not be provided with a substitute Secondary Prize or cash equivalent
13. Once the certified Main Prize Winner is verified, and provides identification with photo ID, they will be given a cheque in the amount of the declared prize which is, at minimum, 50 per cent of the total sales for that draw. If the Main Prize Winner cannot provide photo ID, then the winning proceeds will be held until such identification can be provided. The cheque will be drawn from the FCR Thriving Neighbourhoods Foundation’s designated lottery trust account, and will be payable to the winner.
14. In the event that no winner comes forward, the winning number will be kept on file in a secure location and held for six months. After that time period has elapsed, the prize will be donated to Community Food Centres Canada (CFCC) with the approval of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).
15. The following individuals are not eligible to participate in the 50/50 draws:
- Residents outside of Ontario
- Anyone under the age of 18
16. The above set of rules will be posted on the lottery website.
17. Ontario Problem Gaming Helpline (1- 888 – 230 – 3505) or
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